Creating Product Aggregations

This topic explains how to create Product-specific Aggregations to convert the usage data collected by your Product Meters into numerical measures:

  • The Product the target Meter belongs to when you create an Aggregation determines the Product the Aggregation belongs to.

  • You can then use a Product-specific Aggregation as a pricing metric to set up usage-based pricing for Plans that belong to that specific Product.

  • You cannot use a Product-specific Aggregation to price Plans that belong to another Product.


  • Create Product Aggregation from Meter Details. You can create an Aggregation that will target a specific Meter Data Field or Derived Field directly from the Meter Details page. See Creating Product Meters.

  • Aggregations that are not Product-specific? You can also create Global Aggregations, which can be used to price Plans belonging to any Product. For more details, see Creating Global Aggregations.

Understanding Aggregation Options! We strongly recommend that you review the options available for configuring Aggregations before you attempt to create them. See Reviewing Aggregation Options.

To create a Product Aggregation:

1. Select Metering>Aggregations. The Aggregations page opens.

2. In the Product drop-down, select the Product for which you want to create the new Aggregation. The Aggregations page adjusts and lists:

  • Any existing Aggregations created for the selected Product.

  • Any Global Aggregations, which are clearly labeled.

Tip: Global Aggregation? You can create a Global Aggregation, which is not tied to a specific Product. You can then use Global Aggregations to charge across several Products. For more details, see Creating Global Aggregations.

3. Select Create Aggregation. The Aggregations>Create page opens.

4. Configure Aggregation Details and enter a Name and Code for the Aggregation:

5. Configure Meter Settings:

  • Meter. Select the Meter whose Data Field or Derived Field you want to use as the basis for the Aggregation. Note that only those Meters created for the selected Product will be available. If you're creating a Global Aggregation only Global Meters will be available.

  • Target Field. When you select a Meter, the Target Field drop-down list automatically populates with the Codes of any fields set up on that Meter. For example, select gb_stored:

6. Configure Aggregation Settings:

  • Aggregation. Select the method for aggregating the data collected by the selected Target Field. For example, if you want to use the summed value of gigabytes used, select Sum.

  • Unit. For example, enter gigabytes. This will be used as a label for billing to indicate to your customers what they are being charged for.

  • Quantity per unit. Enter the quantity by which you want to charge for the measured value. For example, if you want to charge your customers on a per-500 gigabytes used basis, enter 500.

  • Rounding. Specifies how you want m3ter to deal with non-integer, that is fractional number, Aggregation values. See Reviewing Aggregation Options for example. Four options:

    • None. Default

    • Down

    • Up

    • Nearest. Rounds up to the nearest half: 5.1 is rounded to 5; 5.5 is rounded to 6.

      • Note: Also used in conjunction with Quantity per unit setting. Rounds the number of units after the Quantity per unit has been applied. See Reviewing Aggregation Options for example.

Important! When you create a Compound Aggregation that references a simple Aggregation, the Compound Aggregation calculation uses the base value of the simple Aggregation and before any Quantity per unit factor or Rounding defined for the simple Aggregation is applied.

  • Default Value. If required, enter a default value to be used for the Aggregation if no usage-data is available from the selected Meter Target field:

Important! If you intend to reference the Aggregation in a Compound Aggregation and the Aggregation might have null values because the Meter Target field fails to collect any usage data, then set Default Value to 0. This ensures any null values from the simple Aggregation are passed in correctly to the Compound Aggregation with value = 0.

7. Configure Segments, if required. If you've set up non-numeric fields on the selected Meter and want to configure a segmented Aggregation using these, open the Segments panel. See Segmented Aggregations.

8. Add any required Custom Fields to the Aggregation. For more on Custom Fields, see Adding and Editing Custom Fields. We strongly recommend reviewing Working with Custom Fields before you create and use Custom Fields.

Important! Aggregation Custom Fields not supported for calculations. Creating Custom Fields for Aggregations is intended to support financial reporting use cases. Although you can define Custom Fields at both the Organizational level and individual Aggregation level, they are not supported for use in Derived Field and Compound Aggregation calculations.

9. Select Create Aggregation. The Aggregation Details page opens:

10. If you want to edit the Aggregation's details, select the Edit button, make your changes, and click Update.

11. If you want to remove an Aggregation, return to the Aggregations page and select the Delete button for the Aggregation:

A confirmation popup opens.

12. Select Yes to confirm the delete action.

Next: Creating Global Aggregations

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